Life Support. Episode 13: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health (Racheal Mayer)

Description: Staying safe online is becoming an increasingly hot topic with every advancement we see in technology. This week, Life Support sat down with C-WHO’s Social Media Manager to go over tips and tricks for staying safe online, current lawsuits against social platforms, and how social media can have an impact on mental health.

Guests: Rachael Mayer Hosts: Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark Music and Editing: Anthony Leon. This Episode of Life Support was made possible through funding provided by the CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Grant, which is managed by the Health Disparities Team in the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnership – a bureau in the Division of Public Health of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Author(s): Rachael Mayer, Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark

Title: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

Title Series:

Resource Type: Podcast

Format: Video

Length: 30 min


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Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonLife Support. Episode 13: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health (Racheal Mayer)

Episode 11: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery (Jake LeClair)

Description: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can be hard for anyone to go through and have adverse side effects in all aspects of life. That is why we had a conversation with Jake LeClair about the struggles that come with SUD, the barriers and the supports towards recovery, and his own experience with substance use challenges. Hosts: Rachel Blanton, Jen Clark Music and Editing: Anthony Leon.

This episode is presented by Cornerstone Whole Healthcare Organization and is funded by rEASON as part of a grant presented by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.


Title: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery

Title Series:

Resource Type: 


Length: 10 min (reading)


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Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonEpisode 11: Substance Use Disorder: Struggles and Recovery (Jake LeClair)

Burnout and Stress for Healthcare Professionals

Our lives look vastly different than they did two years ago. We have lost friends, family, and neighbors to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have experienced severe social and economic disruptions. Yet we have also learned a lot about what it means to take care of ourselves, to make space for small acts of joy, and dream of how we can do better.  

Healthcare professionals know this better than anyone. You have been on the frontlines of some of the most challenging circumstances of generations. You see patients everyday experiencing symptoms of stress and burnout. You know the very real consequences of stress on the body. And yet it is so often the caregivers who struggle the most with setting boundaries, reducing stress and burnout, and developing plans for wellness. You do this work with your patients, let us help you do it for yourself.  

Here at C-WHO we have partnered with Master’s level trained clinicians that will help you identify your stressors. Together, you will create a plan to reduce stress and burnout so that you can look forward to a better future. Our consultations are not therapy. We are not here to diagnose mental illness. And we are not a crisis line. But we are 100% confidential – we’ll never share information with your employer – and you can speak to one of our clinicians over Zoom. 

Burnout is different from stress. We often characterize stress as being over-engaged, reacting with urgency, anxiety-inducing, and taking a physical toll on the body. Burnout creates symptoms of confusion, apathy, depression, and is emotionally draining. Burnout is not going to get better with a week-long vacation or catching up on sleep over the weekend. It requires sustained and consistent habits of mindfulness, boundary setting, and support.  

Mental and emotional health does not happen overnight. It takes practice. And let’s be honest, practice does not make perfect, but it can make things better. We will work with you to develop plans for building resilience, finding tips and tricks to re-center yourself when things feel like they are overwhelming, and make sure that you are equipped for wherever your career takes you.  

Here at C-WHO we work to inspire and create radically innovative solutions across the health spectrum. We could not do the work we do without healthcare professionals like you. Let us help. Call 208-812-4999 to schedule your virtual consultation today. Not a healthcare professional? Our virtual consultations are for you too!

  • mental health
  • mental wellness
  • behavioral health
  • healthcare professionals

Linda CardwellBurnout and Stress for Healthcare Professionals

Naloxone Education

Description: Powerpoint materials from Shelby Lancaster, PharmD and Tyler Hemsley, PharmD related to naloxone education.

Author(s): Shelby Lancaster, PharmD, and Tyler Hemsley, PharmD

Title: Naloxone Education.

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PowerPoint

Length: 30 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonNaloxone Education

Multimodal Pain Management

Description: A 1-page brochure with considerations for Multimodal Pain Management.

Author(s): Tyler Hemsley, PharmD.

Title: Multimodal Pain Management

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 10 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonMultimodal Pain Management

Depression and Meds

Description: Powerpoint materials from Anthony Peterson, Pharm D, illuminating the ways medication can be used to treat depression.

Author(s): Anthony Peterson, Pharm D.

Title: Depression and Meds.

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 20 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonDepression and Meds

Tapering Tear Sheet

Description: A printable sheet with tapering quick tips for providers.


Title:Tapering Tear Sheet

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 5 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonTapering Tear Sheet

Tapering Quick Tips

Description: A printable sheet with tapering quick tips for providers.


Title: Tapering Quick Tips

Resource Type: Brochure

Format: PDF

Length: 10 min (reading)


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonTapering Quick Tips

ADHD Practice Guidelines and Then Some: What’s Missing?

Description: A virtual presentation by Si Steinberg, MD.

Author(s): Si Steinberg, MD.

Title: ADHD Practice Guidelines and Then Some: What’s Missing?

Title Series: Psychiatric Monthly Series

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 50 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonADHD Practice Guidelines and Then Some: What’s Missing?

Integrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care

Description: Virtual Presentation by Mark McGovern, Ph.D.

Author(s):Mark McGovern, Ph.D.

Title: Integrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care

Resource Type: Webinar

Format: Video

Length: 90 min


Sponsored by: 

Keywords and Concepts:

Anthony LeonIntegrating Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Primary Care
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